Τετάρτη 9 Νοεμβρίου 2011

To the General Staff and Secretariat of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia- People’s Army (FARC-EP)

To the General Staff and Secretariat of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia- People’s Army (FARC-EP)

Dear comrades,

We express our deep condolences and solidarity concerning the death of the commander-in chief of FARC-EP comrade Alfonso Cano who fell fighting the government army which is supported by American imperialism. Cde Alfonso Cano takes an honoured place amongst the thousands of partisans, trade unionists, political leaders, workers, farmers and young people who have given their lives in recent years for a new Colombia.

The goals of this struggle cannot be overshadowed by any loss, by any attempts to slander it. The abolition of oppression and exploitation are a historical necessity. They cannot be overthrown by the intensifying imperialist aggressiveness in Latin America, or the increasing cooperation between the bourgeois states of the region for the suppression of the people’s movements.

The KKE is in solidarity with the struggle which FARC-EP is waging and in general with the struggle of the people’s movement in Colombia for social justice. We support the struggle for the war zones to be recognized and for the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP) to be immediately removed from the EU list of terrorist organizations and for the humanitarian exchange of prisoners to proceed.

We ask you to convey to all the comrades and fighters of FARC-EP our sincere condolences and comradely greetings.

International Relations Section of the KKE

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