Πέμπτη 6 Ιουνίου 2013

Militant solidarity demonstration of the KKE and KNE with people and communists of Turkey

The Attica Party Organization of the KKE and the Attica Organization of KNE organized on the evening of the 3rd of June a militant rally in front of the War Museum and march in the centre of Athens in order to condemn of the Turkish bourgeois state’s repression of the popular demonstrations and at the same time to express solidarity with the struggling Turkish people and communists.
Christos Katsotis, member of the CC and MP of the party, speaking at the rally noted amongst other things regarding the demonstrations in Turkey:” These mobilizations have as their starting point the serious class contradictions in Turkish society which exists despite the high levels of capitalist growth which the bourgeoisie enjoys. The workers are facing the harsh reality of working for nothing, salaries of 150 euros without other rights, unemployment, poverty, destitution.”
In reference to the contradictions which are sharpening in the region and the war scenarios which endanger the peoples, he noted: “The KKE has called on the working class and the popular strata of our country and the entire region not to shed their blood for the monopolies, which want to control the deposits of oil and natural gas in the region.”
A poem of the Turkish communist poet, Nazim Hikmet, on the 50th anniversary of his death, was read out at the rally by the actor Vassilis Kolovos.
After the rally, the march left the War Museum and headed to the Turkish Embassy on Rigillis st. and ended in Syntagma Sq. The police had lined up riot squads and impeded the delegation of the KKE from entering the Embassy to protest about the state repression against the Turkish people. The march continued on the central roads of Athens until it reached the Greek Parliament building.
Three central banners of the KKE and KNE were prominent in the demonstration: one in Greek with the slogan “We denounce the invasion of the offices of the Communist Party of Turkey by the forces of repression”, and the other two written in Turkish and English which said “Solidarity with the struggle of the Turkish people. Solidarity with the CP of Turkey.”
Similar demonstrations of the KKE and KNE will be held on the 4/6 in Thessalonica and Komotini.
Statement of the Press Office of the CC of the KKE
The KKE reacted immediately to the events in Turkey. In a comment issued by the Press Office of the CC of the KKE, on Sunday 2/6, regarding the repression of the demonstrators in Turkey, it noted:
“The KKE condemns the repression and authoritarianism of the Erdogan government against the demonstrations in Istanbul and other Turkish cities. It expresses its solidarity with the people and youth of Turkey, as well as with the Communist Party of Turkey which is actively participating in the people’s mobilizations.”
Statement of the GS of the CC of the KKE
Dimitris Koutsoumpas, GS of the CC of the KKE, in a press conference on 3/6, regarding the call of the KKE to the people to strengthen and broaden the ranks of the People’s Alliance, most categorically denounced the mass-scale repression and authoritarianism of the Erdogan government against the people, against the workers, and the youth of Turkey, expressing our solidarity with the neighbouring Turkish people, who are our brothers and sisters, and in particular our support for and comradely greetings to the members, cadres of the Communist Party of Turkey.

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